Non-Root User Setup for running Superviord in Docker Container

2 min readMay 11, 2021


Generally speaking, use a Root user to run a process is not ideal, it grants too much permission to the process and increases the security risk. But if you try to solve this issue, you will run into a dilemma,

  • Most of the examples/questions you will see you can solve with root permission
  • You will also see there is no harm to run it with a non-root user as long as you provide enough read/write permission on logs and pid.

How do you choose to root or non-root?

The following structure gave us a solution.

To be able to run any subprocess as a different user from what supervisord is running as, you must run supervisord as root.
When you run supervisord as a user other than root, it cannot run subprocesses under another user. This is a UNIX process security restriction

It tells you if you run multiple subprocesses, you have to run as a root to be able to start all the subprocesses, meaning that if you have more than 2 projects in you supervisord.conf file, you need to start it with your root permission.

Other than that you can simply use a non-root with enough permission to start your supervisord process.

How do you run a Non-Root in your docker container?

  • Create a non-root user
ENV NON_ROOT_USER=non_root_userENV NON_ROOT_GID="103" \    NON_ROOT_UID="1003" \    NON_ROOT_WORK_DIR=/opt/local/${NON_ROOT_USER} \    NON_ROOT_HOME_DIR=/home/${NON_ROOT_USER}RUN groupadd -g 65532 nonroot && useradd -m -s $NON_ROOT_HOME_DIR -u 65532 $NON_ROOT_USER -g nonroot
  • Add permission to your non-root user
RUN chmod g+wx /var/log/ && \    chmod g+wx /opt/local/

Here g+wx adds write permission to group users.

  • Add user config to your supervisord.conf
  • Run docker with your non-root user

This step is also very important, by default you will run your docker by root. But here you need to start it with a user.

You can either do it by docker command or docker-compose file.

In docker-compose.yml , you can do

services:   app:      user: "${UID}:${GID}" # here it will be 103:1003

Or you can start your docker by

docker container run --rm -it \
--user UID:GID \ # here it will be 103:1003

Now it all sets ;)



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